Best radar detector: choosing speed camera detectors & using them legally

Best radar detector: choosing speed camera detectors & using them legally

There are two different ways you can increase your awareness of speed enforcement, be they fixed speed cameras or cops with laser guns; one is through databases of pooled GPS locations – and the other is to actually sense the technology used by the speed measurement systems. The location data is something anyone with a smartphone can experiment with – popular apps like Waze share information on camera locations – but by using an app like this you’ll likely find you want to try something a little more sophisticated.

Radar detectors are typically available in windshield / dash mounts, so they’re easily moved from car to car, although you can also find some which can be fitted permanently. The sensors detect police radar guns, hence their common name, though they usually also detect modern LIDAR (laser) based detectors. Invisible Lasers have a much narrower beam so can detect speed from around a mile on straight road.


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