Bad news, Blu-ray fans: LG just discontinued its entire range of 4K Blu-ray players and I’m really worried

Bad news, Blu-ray fans: LG just discontinued its entire range of 4K Blu-ray players and I’m really worried

  • LG discontinues all 4K Blu-ray and Blu-ray players
  • It last released Blu-ray players (the UBK80 and UBK90) in 2018
  • 2024 has been a wild year for 4K Blu-ray fans

LG has officially discontinued its range of 4K Blu-ray players and Blu-ray players, with units only available as stocks last going forward, according to FlatpanelsHD.

LG’s most recent 4K Blu-ray players, the UBK80 and UBK90, were released back in 2018, coincidentally the same year that Panasonic released one of the best 4K Blu-ray players, the Parnasonic DP-UB820, and the same year Oppo stopped production of its wildly popular 4K Blu-ray players.


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